Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my circumstances change? 
If your circumstances change you must inform ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire by contacting any of the housing partners.

What happens once I have completed the application form?
In most areas, there are a lot of people looking for a home, so we have fair rules that decide who gets priority. Once an application has been received, an assessment of your housing need will be made and you will be placed into one of the following groups or 'bands':

  • Bronze band
  • Silver band
  • Gold band
  • Priority status

The assessment is made only on the basis of the information you provide on your application form. Within each 'band' you will be placed in date order, as to when your application was received. 
Bronze band - customers who want to move because of personal preference, rather than because they have a pressing financial, welfare or medical need. 
Silver band - customers who have some need to move but who can generally manage within their current homes, such as customers in private rented accommodation or with a medical condition that would be alleviated by moving.
Gold band - customers for whom moving is essential, such as homeless customers or those lacking basic amenities. 
Priority status - priority status will be given to some customers. This will give them preference over bronze, silver and gold band customers. Priority status will only be given to customers with a local connection to Pembrokeshire and where they meet the following criteria: where a statutory homelessness duty is identified; Customers referred by social services due to leaving care, move on accommodation or supported housing, customers unable to return home after leaving hospital due to their medical condition or displaced agricultural workers (under the Rent Agriculture Act 1976). A time limit applies.
All customers who apply, and meet the criteria, for a particular property will be 'matched' according to their housing need. Priority status holders will be matched first, gold band second, silver band next and bronze band last. Customers with a local connection to Pembrokeshire will be shortlisted first within each band. If more than one household is matched in any group or 'band', then the date the application was registered will decide who has priority.

Will my banding change if I have a medical condition?

  • A customers banding may be increased if they have a medical reason to move.
  • When a customer indicates that there are medical issues affecting a member of their household to be taken into account in the assessment of their application, the Housing Partners will consider the effect of the medical issues faced by individual household members on the whole household.
  • Any health information provided by the customer may be verified by a home visit or by requesting confirmation from a doctor or other health professional. Confirmation may be required from a medical professional that the customers medical condition is affected by their current housing situation and that moving will alleviate their condition.
  • The Housing Partners may refer an application and medical information to a medical professional for further advice and guidance where the nature and impact of a medical condition on the customers housing circumstances is not immediately apparent. However, the final decision will rest with the Housing Partners.
  • A medical condition, however severe, will not be taken into account in the banding of the application if:

       a. Moving to different accommodation will not improve or alleviate the condition,

b. The customer already lives in suitable accommodation, or

c. It is reasonable and practical to improve the current accommodation within a reasonable time such that it becomes suitable for the customer or the member of their household

  • The medical assessment will consider the severity of the medical condition, the effect current housing has on it and the level of improvement moving will have on the condition
  • If a change in banding is awarded on medical grounds it will only apply to a suitable accommodation that will alleviate the medical condition. E.g If a person has mobility problems (stairs), the increase in banding will only apply to ground floor flats or bungalows or adapted properties.



What does it mean when properties are advertised giving a 'preference' to customers with a local connection?
There there are a limited number of properties, a percentage of homes will be advertised giving preference to those with a need to live in a particular community where failure would cause hardship. This does not mean that customers without a connection cannot apply, but when short-listing we will first look at customers who have a strong link to that particular area. This will help to sustain our communities. We will still look at suitability before making an offer and will only make an offer if the property suits the needs of the applicant, i.e. we would not offer a single person a family sized house even if they were the only one with a local connection who applied.

What happens if I don't agree with the band or date of registration?

  1. If you don't agree with decisions made you should contact a housing partner office. An officer will check the information and try to resolve the issue.
  2. If you are still dissatisfied you can ask for a review within 21 days of confirmation of your band and date.

Which homes can I choose?

All properties are included in ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire

  • General purpose
  • Accommodation adapted for people with disabilities
  • Retirement accommodation

The size and type of home that you can apply for will depend on the number of people in your household and the type of home you and your family require.
Next to each property you will find information on the location, type, size, rent and the type of person/family that home would suit.
Some homes will be advertised specifically for certain people, e.g. accommodation that has been adapted for people with disabilities. For some properties in rural areas, preference may be given to applications with a strong local connection.

What happens if I do not want any of the homes advertised?
Don't worry - just look again next week! You won't be penalised for not responding (unless you have priority status).

How many properties can I apply for each week?
You can apply for up to five properties each week and can be offered any of the homes you have applied for.

What happens if I am successful with my bid and am made an offer?
The details of the application with the highest priority will be checked to make sure that the information given on the application form is correct. At this stage we will also check things such as rent arrears.
If the details are correct and your bid is successful, we will contact you directly, make you a provisional offer and arrange for you to view the property.
If you are still interested in the property we will make a formal offer and advise you when you can sign the tenancy agreement and move in.

Will you contact me if I apply for a property and am not successful?
Unfortunately due to the number of customers who apply each week, we will not be able to contact everyone. We will therefore only contact you if you have been successful. If you do not hear anything within ten days of the closing date, please assume that you have not been successful in applying.

What happens if I am offered a property and decide I don't want it?
If, once you have received a written offer or while you are viewing a property, you change your mind about it and decide it doesn't meet your needs don't worry. You won't be penalised for refusing an offer, unless you are a priority status holder.

I keep applying for houses but am never successful, is there any point in continuing to apply?
Unfortunately we have a very limited number of properties but if you don't apply for available properties you won't be offered a property.

If I am offered a home how quickly can I move in?
With some properties we are unable to indicate when tenancies may start, as we do not know how much work is required until the previous tenant moves out. The Council is trying to bring all its homes up to new standards, set by the Welsh Assembly Government. In order to limit disruptions the Council will carry out as much work as possible before a new tenant moves in.
As soon as the property is ready and the keys are available we will notify you. You will then be able to view the property, decide if you want it and, if so, sign the tenancy agreement and move in.

If I am offered a home through ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire will it affect my rights as a tenant?
ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire is simply a new way of allocating housing. Your rights as a tenant will remain unchanged.

ID: 28, Revised 16/5/2023

Weekly email of properties to rent

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